Dez Bryant, left, and DeMarco Murray are two reasons money is moving on Dallas. (USATSI)
Dez Bryant, left, and DeMarco Murray are two reasons money is moving on Dallas. (USATSI)

As soon as the regular season was complete, the latest Super Bowl odds were released, and there was little surprise that the Seahawks were leading the way at 12-5 and the Patriots were following closely behind at 3-1.

The Packers and the Broncos each were at 6-1, while the Cowboys were 17-2.

So, out of those five teams, where do you suppose the money has started to flow?

If you guessed the Cowboys, you'd be correct.

"The Seahawks and Patriots remain clear favorites to meet in the Super Bowl, but we have seen quite a bit of support for the Dallas Cowboys, who have already dropped from 9-1 to 15-2 and continue to be bet," said Kevin Bradley, the sports book manager for

Think about that for a second. Enough patrons want to put their money on the Cowboys to win the freakin' Super Bowl that it's moving the odds. And I can't say I disagree with those people.

If you wanted a longshot, you had your choices at the Panthers, Ravens, Lions and Bengals -- all of whom were 40-1 after Week 17. And if you wanted to put your money on a no-hoper, the Cardinals are out there at 66-1.

But among those long-shots, people seem to be digging the Panthers.

"The Carolina Panthers have also been backed as a long shot going from 40-1 to 33-1," Bradley said. "That said, the Seahawks even at low odds of 12-5 have taken more money than any other team."