The ice-bucket challenge is sweeping the continent not just because it's a good way to stay cool in the heat but because it's helping to raise awareness for ALS, more commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

In particular, the Boston Bruins are getting in on the chilly fun. It all started when former Boston College baseballer Pete Frates, who has ALS, challenged Gregory Campbell to take the challenge.

The way it works is simple; you record a video of yourself pouring a huge amount of ice water over yourself but first you challenge somebody or multiple people to do it next to keep the chain going. When challenged, you have 24 hours to respond.

That explains why the water keeps falling in Beantown. Campbell got it started with a garbage bin, lots of ice and a dog wandering around:

His challenge was sent to Brad Marchand, who accepted. Marchand raised the stakes by not only using a big bucket over himself but having two pals dump ice water from above him on the deck. He attached this caption to the video: "Brad Marchand does the ice bucket challenge to support ALS research and Pete Frates #strikeoutals"

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Marchand then passed the buck along to Torey Krug among others and Krug put his own twist. Being the hockey player that he is, he went to where the ice is plentiful, the rink, and added some snow shavings to his bucket.

Another small but interesting twist on a pretty straightforward challenge.

Finally, we come to Milan Lucic, who was dared by Krug. Clearly enjoying his summer by apparently spending time on a lake, Lucic walked out to a pier and used his cooler as his bucket.

Only two bags of ice in the small cooler for big, bad Lucic? We thought we might see more but hey, it's the thought that counts and it's inarguably passing the challenge.

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These Bruins are just a small sampling of the number of people taking the ice-bucket challenge this summer with some finding pretty wild ways to take a quick, ice-cold shower. But it can't feel that bad when one consider's the purpose behind it all.