Vikings DE Jared Allen is 30 years old and in his ninth NFL season, and time could be running out for him to win a championship. With the Vikings turning over a large portion of their roster, Allen is taking on a leadership with his fellow veterans in an attempt to turn things around quickly from the 2011 season.

Question: How does a camp filled with so many new faces change your expectations about the season?

Jared Allen: I think this is the first year when there are no real expectations going into camp, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you know? Our expectations as a team are always the same, and that’s to win the North and get into the playoffs and go that route, but as far as any preseason hype, there is none. We were 3-13 last year, we have a completely new team and a lot of young guys, but that’s a good thing.

Q: As an older player looking to win a title, how high is your patience level with a younger team?

JA: You know, high to quite high. I honestly made a point (that) I don’t know how much time I’ve got left, obviously. I feel great. I still feel like I’m playing at a high level, but every year is a concern of if I’m going to win a championship. That’s where I just put my trust in the front office that they’re going to bring the players in, and our goals match up. I’m not in this to rebuild. I’m in this every year to compete for a championship, and they are too. And I truly believe that, and that’s why I love being a Minnesota Viking.

Q: What are your thoughts about playing against the rookie LT Matt Kalil in camp?

JA: My goal isn’t to beat Matt Kalil. Me beating him and touching Christian Ponder on the butt 16 times doesn’t do anything for us, you know what I mean? I approach training camp the same way. Each day I have something fundamentally that I want to get better at for the season. If I can help him with tips, like ‘Hey, man, don’t do this or don’t do that.’ That’s what it’s all about, trying to get each other better. I don’t have a direct competition with him. As long as he doesn’t punch me in the face and grab my jersey when I’m coming around the edge I’ll be fine.

Q: Do you and DE Brian Robison have a friendly competition for sacks?

JA: There’s nothing friendly about it. I’m going to win that every day of the week so take that for what it is. No, Brian’s a good player. Honestly, he’s grown and as he gets going, he’s going to be a 10-plus sack guy a year. That’s awesome. The more sacks he gets, the more sacks I’m going to get and vice versa. They can’t concentrate on everybody. My biggest help is going to be Kevin Williams in the middle. If he’s playing lights out, it’s easy for us.

Q: How is it to work next to an All Pro player like Kevin Williams on the line?

JA: Kevin’s a cool cat, man. He’s so methodical in what he does, but it’s so powerful. That’s why he’s so consistent. You look at the stats every year. They’re consistent. The guy has so much power. He’s so good on his hands and his feet. He approaches things kind of the same way I approach them. That’s why I think we get along so well. My goal isn’t to come out here and win training camp MVP. Our goal is to get ready for Jacksonville home opener. So we approach that the same way. Now we have a feel where we’re going to play off each other. I know where he’s going to be at. He knows where I’m going to be at. We know what works for us, and it’s been successful.

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